Renewable Developer BeGreen strengthen its developing activities in Poland

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After many years of development activities in renewable energy projects in Poland, Danish solar developer, BeGreen, is now ready to establish a permanent presence in the Polish energy market.

In a strategic move to fortify its position in the renewable energy sector, BeGreen, a 6 GW solar developer and subsidiary of Norwegian energy major Equinor, is set to invest further in renewable pipeline development in the Polish energy market. Renewables industry leader, Robert Trzaskowski is poised to lead the charge as Managing Director for BeGreen in Poland.

With a rich legacy rooted in Danish and Polish agriculture and a considerable pipeline of solar projects in Poland already, BeGreen is well-positioned to make a significant contribution to the Polish energy landscape.

“BeGreen has a unique perspective on the development of renewable energy projects, with a 360-degree sustainability concept at the core of their business, and I am excited to help develop BeGreen’s presence in the Polish market,” says Robert Trzaskowski.

Robert Trzaskowski’s passion for solar and wind energy aligns seamlessly with BeGreen’s commitment and ambition in the renewables industry, making the collaboration a perfect match. Anders Dolmer, CEO of BeGreen, is thrilled to welcome Robert Trzaskowski to the team:

“To have Robert join our company as our Managing Director in Poland is a gift. He has a lot of experience from the renewable industry in Poland, and we are very privileged to be able to draw on his extensive experience and knowledge.”

BeGreen’s expansion in Poland is a pivotal step in its overarching business strategy. Robert Trzaskowski will spearhead the establishment of a new developing team in Poland, beginning with the opening of an office in Warsaw by January 1st, 2024.

Equinor, BeGreen’s parent company since January 2023, sees this move as an important contribution to strengthening its renewables position in Northern Europe.

Equinor’s Country Manager in Poland, Michal Jerzy Kolodziejczyk states:

“We welcome BeGreen’s plans to expand their development activities in Poland which is an important market for Equinor. This will further extend our broad energy offering in Poland, which includes gas supplies through the Baltic Pipe, large scale offshore wind projects, and onshore renewables projects carried out by our subsidiary Wento.”

Facts about Robert Trzaskowski

  • Robert has a master’s in engineering and physics from Warsaw University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Agro PV
  • Robert has 10 years of experience with wind development, 4 years in CHP and Waste-to-Energy, 2 years in Biomass & Biogas and 2 years in PV Development.
  • He comes from a position as Country Manager in Poland for UNITe

Facts about BeGreen:

  • BeGreen was founded in Denmark by the Bregentved Group in 2017 with the goal of
    building the first unsubsidized large-scale solar park in Denmark. This was achieved first time in 2019.
  • BeGreen was acquired by Norwegian energy major, Equinor, in January 2023, and now is a wholly owned Equinor subsidiary.
  • To date BeGreen has developed and built 9 large scale solar parks in Denmark, with many more on the way in both Denmark, Sweden and now also in Poland.
  • BeGreen has offices in Haslev and Copenhagen, Denmark, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Come January 1st, 2024, BeGreen will establish offices in Warsaw, Poland and Berlin, Germany as well.

Facts about Equinor in Poland:

  • Equinor has been present in the country for more than 30 years and holds a portfolio within both offshore and onshore renewable energy.
  • The company is partner with Polenergia in the Baltyk I, II and III offshore wind projects with a total capacity of up to 3 GW.
  • Through the subsidiary Wento, Equinor has around 200 MW solar and onshore wind in production or under construction.
  • Since the beginning of 2023, Equinor is also supplying up to 2.4 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas annually from the Norwegian Continental Shelf via the Baltic Pipe on a 10-year contract.
  • The commercial offer of Equinor in Poland is complemented by the energy trading company Danske Commodities, owned by Equinor.

Contact: Line Leonhard, Head of Communications at BeGreen: or +45 2999 4069

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