Partner Day at BeGreen was a great success

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To celebrate our shared success and help build strong partnerships for hopefully many future projects, we held a BeGreen Partner Day at our solar park in Vandel.

Partnership at the heart of it all.

At BeGreen, we develop and build large-scale solar parks. We love what we do and that we’re contributing to a greener future. But none of it would be possible without the talent and dedication of all the amazing companies we work with every day.

To celebrate our shared success and help build strong partnerships for hopefully many future projects, we held a BeGreen Partner Day at our solar park in Vandel.

Room for learning and strengthened collaboration
Spirits were high and connections were made as 30 of our close business partners gathered for a full day of knowledge sharing and networking.
Chief Technical Officer Cyrille de Baracé led the event along with Chief Engineer Bjarne Andersen, Construction Director Henrik Mygind Søndergaard and Site Operations Manager Morten Andersen.

The day started with a brief history of BeGreen by CEO Anders Dolmer, followed by a presentation of the technical team and a brief status on current projects. Afterwards, there was networking and lunch before a panel of BeGreen team members and business partners discussed the importance of the lessons learned.
The event ended with a guided tour of the park.

We would like to thank all of our business partners for their continued efforts to help us bring more green, sustainable electrons to the energy grid. We appreciate your hard work and we are looking forward to more projects in the future.

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