Green neighborliness
Green neighborliness
Through an open and respectful dialogue, we seek to find solutions that benefit both the neighbours, the local area, the municipality and the climate.
Focus on the local area
At BeGreen, we focus on how solar parks can affect the local area and try to contribute to this local environment continuing as undisturbed as possible.
BeGreen offers the opportunity to become a CO2-neutral municipality and thereby contribute to the green transition. We have experience in entering into fixed price agreements for the purchase of green electricity. Such an option will ensure attractive and stable electricity prices for a number of years.
At BeGreen, we recognize that becoming a neighbor to a solar park can seem like a big mouthful. That is why we do what we can to make our solar parks as invisible as possible to our neighbors. At the same time, we always establish a belt of planting around our parks, so that after just a few years the parks will largely be hidden from the naked eye behind trees and bushes.
Animal life
BeGreen’s solar parks contribute to a rich and varied wildlife by ensuring access for smaller animals and amphibians under the fence that surrounds the parks. At the same time, we make room for the larger animals by building game corridors around or through our parks where the animals have their natural movement. A strong focus on planting locally native plant species also ensures that insects and bees also thrive at our solar parks.
Environment and Biodiversity
When we convert agricultural land into solar parks, we also lend a helping hand to both climate, environment and biodiversity. Solar energy helps to reduce CO2 emissions, our solar parks also help to protect groundwater, as the areas where BeGreen has solar cells are not sprayed with pesticides. In addition, biodiversity increases significantly in the local areas where BeGreen has solar parks, as we ensure that we sow and plant a mixture of grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees.
At BeGreen, we want strong cooperation with neighbours
We take pains to find exactly the areas that are both the least possible nuisance for those who will live very close to our solar parks, and which are also strategically located in relation to where, the need for green, renewable current is greatest.
We focus on the local area
At BeGreen, we focus on how solar parks can affect the local area and try to contribute to this local environment continuing as undisturbed as possible.
We always try to place our solar cells so that they fit into the landscape as best as possible. In addition, the solar parks are placed as close to the local transformer stations as possible, so that we avoid having to dig down cables over longer distances.
At BeGreen, we recognize that becoming a neighbor to a solar park can seem like a big mouthful. That is why we do what we can to make our solar parks as invisible as possible to our neighbors.
This means, among other things, that we establish a belt of planting around our parks, so that after a few years the parks will largely be hidden from the naked eye behind trees and bushes.
BeGreen’s solar parks contribute to a rich and varied wildlife by ensuring access for smaller animals and amphibians under the fence that surrounds the parks. At the same time, we make room for the larger animals by building game corridors around or through our parks where the animals have their natural movement.
A large focus on planting locally native plant species also ensures that insects and bees also thrive at our solar parks.
When we convert agricultural land into solar parks, we also lend a helping hand to both climate, environment and biodiversity. Since solar energy helps to reduce CO2 emissions, it is an important factor in the green transition, which must avert the climate crisis.
BeGreen’s solar parks also help to protect groundwater, as the areas where BeGreen has solar cells are not sprayed with pesticides.
Last but not least, biodiversity increases significantly in the local areas where BeGreen has solar parks. We make sure to sow and plant a mixture of grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees in and around our parks, so that we ensure a diverse nature on areas where previously only one or two different crops were sown per year.
There are many things that must come together when BeGreen builds a solar park. On average, it takes about 2 years from the time we enter into the first agreement on renting land until we are ready to drive the first stake into the ground.
As a neighbor living near an upcoming solar park, your input is invaluable to us. We are committed to ensuring your voice is heard throughout the planning process. This means you will have the opportunity to participate in both a preliminary hearing before the local plan is formally proposed to the municipality, as well as a subsequent hearing when the plan is being adopted.
Furthermore, during the consultation period, we will host an open citizens’ meeting in the local area. This forum will provide a platform for everyone to engage, ask questions, and share perspectives.
Additionally, we welcome direct communication with you. If you, as a nearby resident, prefer a one-on-one discussion, please feel free to reach out to us at BeGreen. We are more than happy to arrange a convenient time to meet and address any concerns or inquiries you may have
As a close neighbor* of one of BeGreen’s solar parks, you have the opportunity to become part of the green transition. We offer what we call Green Co-ownership.
With a green co-ownership, you get the opportunity to get income from the sustainable electricity production in the future, as well as the opportunity to make your own electricity consumption completely or partially CO2e-neutral. We start the dialogue about Green Co-ownership when we contact you in connection with the specific planning of the solar park.
*A close neighbor is the term for all neighbors who live less than 200 meters from a future solar park.
As a developer of renewable energy plants, we are obliged to contribute to the green pool. The size of the green pool depends on the amount of electricity produced on the concrete solar parks. As a neighbor of one of our parks, you have the opportunity to apply for funds from the green pool for concrete, green projects in your local area.
In this way, BeGreen contributes to your local area at the same time that we make our energy consumption green and sustainable. That, we think, is common sense.
Useful links
If you are a neighbor of one of our solar parks, we have collected some links here that may be useful for you.
Useful links
If you are a neighbor of one of our solar parks, we have collected some links here that may be useful for you.
VE-bonusordningen gives residents of residential properties in the vicinity of future renewable energy plants the opportunity to receive an annual payment, corresponding to part of the plant’s capacity.
Salgsoptionsordningen gives owners of residential properties the opportunity to sell their property to the installer of future renewable energy plants.
Værditabsordningen gives neighbors of future renewable energy plants the opportunity to receive compensation for loss of value of their residential property.
Feel free to contact us
Are you a neighbor or perhaps a future neighbor of one of our solar parks? Then you are always welcome to contact us directly.
Kirsten Elkjær
Senior Lead Land Developer
Feel free to contact us
Are you a neighbor or perhaps a future neighbor of one of our solar parks? Then you are always welcome to contact Kirsten directly.
Senior Land Developer