Vandel III Initiatives

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About Vandel III 2022 ESG initiatives:

Vandel III is a 162MWp solar park located at Vandel Airbase in the municipality of Velje which is managed and operated by BeGreen but owned indirectly by Swedish investment Infranode AB. Construction of the park commenced in 2020 and the park expected to be running at full capacity in 2023. In 2022, a number of initiatives were outlined for the park from an ESG perspective. These included, amongst other things,:

  • The calculation of Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions;
  • A physical climate risk assessment covering a wide range of climatic variables to assess future climatic risk;
  • An ESG risk assessment of all material and service providers for Vandel III to protect human rights and ensure fair and safe labour conditions;
  • The protection of 2.9ha of land onsite which were set-aside as biodiversity-sensitive areas;
  • The creation of new habitats onsite for biodiversity, including 20ha of new forest;
  • Partnership with the Danish Association for the Disabled to improve accessibility to the ‘hjertestien’ for people with reduced physical mobility;
  • Ensuring a positive local impact and acceptance by all local stakeholders, working systematically through a ‘Good Neighborship Programme’ to address issues related to community engagement and ensure optimal outcomes for all parties;
  • The sorting and appropriate recycling of any construction waste by BeGreen’s EPC ((Engineering, procurement, and construction) sub-contractor.
  • And; ensuring that construction was undertaken in compliance with HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) regulations.

BeGreen also produced an LCA for a ‘typical’ BeGreen solar park to identify goals and targets for future years and to kickstart the beginning of the company’s Scope 3 emission accounting journey.

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BeGreen inviterede til partnerdag

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